Word Cloud of Bank of Canada Media Release


Apparently word clouds are the pie charts of text data. So, naturally, I decided to make a word cloud using text from the Bank of Canada's October interest rate announcement press release. - Your friendly neighbourhood data troll XOX <3

Category: misc Tags:

Airbnb in Vancouver MAPPED!


Unless you live in a hole, you must be familiar with the Airbnb vs. affordable housing controversy in Vancouver. Basically, there's a whole lot of Airbnb happening and not a whole lot of renting happening. This post does not explore housing affordability, nor will it solve the problem. I simply wanted to see where the Airbnb listings in Vancouver are concentrated.

Category: misc Tags:

Custom Spotify Discover Weekly Playlist


Every week Spotify updates your "Discover Weekly" playlist, a customized playlist based off of your user data. Since I'm tired of going through all 30 of the tracks to see if I like them, I decided to use machine learning algorithms to filter my Spotify Discover Weekly playlist down to less tracks. I got it down 40%!!!

Category: misc Tags:

Visualizing Interprovincial Migration


So far I have experimented with network graphs to show relationships between entities. I've decided to take my data visualization a step further with the SANKEY PLOT. It's a funny word, that's for sure, but it's a plot type that helps visualize flows between entities. Here I look at the flow of people between provinces.

Category: misc Tags:

Songs I like and dislike


I look at the distribution of features from songs I like and dislike. I make use of the Spotipy library to access the Spotify Web API.

Category: misc Tags:

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